During the Corona Virus Pandemic Great Notley Parish Council will be holding its meetings online using the Zoom video conferencing facility.
The Parish Council has agreed a set of rules for the smooth running of meetings which may be viewed below
About a week before each meeting the agenda will be published on this page and under the 'agenda' heading in this website that will contain the log in details for the meeting. Any member of the public who wishes to attend the meeting may use those details to log in. You may wish to simply observe so you do not have to be shown on camera and during discussions you will be required to mute your microphone in any event. The meetings will be recorded and minutes drawn up in the usual manner.
As usual there will be a public session so members of the public can ask questions. To ask a question in the public session you will need to use the 'raise my hand' function which you will be able to find in the 'Participants' tab on screen.
The usual meeting rules will continue to apply so there is an expectation of good behaviour and treating all those present with courtesy. In accordance with the usual meeting rules the Parish Council reserves the right to exclude any person who acts in an abusive manner or disrupts the meeting.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact the Clerk on 01376 331251 or via email greatnotleyclerk@gmail.com